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What is the Essence of C.C.C.?

When I started working with the company that was helping me develop my brand and website, I was asked what is your message? What does your company stand for?

I thought about it for a while and came up with 5 pillars, which are the essence of what Cancer Care Coaching stands for and hopes to impart to the clients. Those pillars are: Empowerment, Hope, Health & Wellness, Spirituality and Empathy.

This is the message I want to share with people who want to be thriving during the cancer battle and beyond!


I want to help my clients reclaim their confidence and feel that they are capable and brave. While they are fighting against their own body's physical limitations, they may feel that they are stuck. I want to help them go from surviving to thriving. Together we will work towards believing that they can overcome what they are facing and find the strength within them to stop living in fear and move forward.


While I understand that my clients come to me in one of the hardest times of their lives, I want to help them maintain or regain the ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel and look forward to the future. Being diagnosed with cancer doesn't mean that you can't keep working towards and setting goals. Believing the potential of good things happening is essential in living a happy life. The possibilities for the future are infinite and I aim to help them understand the beauty of the "life after cancer."


I believe that health and wellness are related to the body in more than just the physical. I am teaching about health and wellness in the body, mind, and soul. While dealing with a significant physical ailment, I want to help my clients by promoting the ways we can maintain our health and wellness.


Understanding and feeling the forces that are bigger than our bodies and beyond our understanding is important. Our souls need caretaking too. I emphasize the value in tuning into these feelings and thinking beyond our physical and material world into the greater sphere of existence. It may be easy to blame a higher power for the trials in life, but I want to help clients use their spirituality for strength, rather than resentment. Spirituality can be a great source of comfort and allow for a greater sense of perspective and hope for the future.


As a member of the cancer community, I am intimately familiar with the emotions and events that occur in that journey. I am able to walk in the shoes of my clients and understand the complex feelings of isolation, guilt, and fear. The fears of the unknown or being a burden to your family, I have felt, too. I am committed to listening, understanding, and connecting with my clients on a deeper level and giving them the space they need to feel, talk about, and express the heartache that they are struggling with.

If any of this resonates with you and may help you during your cancer battle, I invite you to visit my website ( where you can inquire about a 30-minute complimentary session.


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